“I spent over a decade working in corporate fashion. I watched fabrics get ordered and never be used and garments pile up on sale racks.”
- Dana Cohen, Founder

During that time, I discovered I am REALLY passionate about waste. I knew there was a better way to design.
What if, instead of depleting resources to create new materials, we just used the "waste" out there to create beautiful things? HYER GOODS is a brand that offers accessories made of leather and fabric sourced from deadstock materials and factory scraps. By upcycling "trash" we eliminate the massive energy footprint needed to cultivate land, livestock, crops and fertilizers, while simultaneously reducing the amount of waste being sent to landfill. Less energy and less pollution mean fewer greenhouse gases.
I hope that you love your HYER GOODS purchase. Wear it, enjoy it, and sell it, donate it or give it to a friend when you're done with it. If your leather purchase ever makes its way to a landfill, know that it will degrade in a reasonable amount of time, so it wont be a burden to future generations. Having a positive environmental impact has never been so easy.